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A new layout - assumes max width of 1200, should flex down to mobile phone size - we can change the order of the containers (rows). The images/buttons may not be the final version - awaiting some photos (and may change the lettering to Ciabatta to match the headings). I would like a picture at the bottom 1200 x 200 - of the our church community (one to stage)
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Welcome to the Whitewater Benefice [DEMO SITE]
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This is our Demo Website. If you are looking for our live site it is: https://www.whitewaterchurches.co.uk
Watch out for links - there may be some which take you to our live site, and not the demo. The demo has red borders on the heading to make it clear!
Some of the site its the same as our live site, but it is being used to test various new functionality. We are currently using the demo to test the new calendar functionality.
WARNING: there are a number of things which do not work or give the wrong behaviours on this site. We do not know why the behaviour is different between live and demo. If the live site works then, that is the most likely to be running latest CE code. Issues include:
- theme editor gives 500 error
- the tool to manage images gives 500 errors (so unlikely to have images on calendar entries)
- ordering of underlying scripts seems different, as a result some of the CSS needed to support live and demo is subtly different (!important may not get round some of issues - example is the weight of breadcrumbs)
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Our Locations
Our Church Locations
We are two Parishes in NE Hampshire, with four churches: one in the centre of Hook, and the others in the surrounding villages. Click on the images below to find our more about the location of each church.
To find out about the accessibility of our locations please see our Accessibility page
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