On Sunday in Hook we have a 10am Palm Sunday all age worship & Holy Communion at 8:30am and at 6pm; in Heckfield we have 11am Holy Communion. Please check the calendar for details of all our services & activities.
Coming up: Cake & Crafts Sale on Saturday morning. On Sunday the Youth Group at 4:30pm are doing chocolate craft and looking at the Easter story. Look out for all our Easter Services and activities in the first week of April - see our Easter page for details.
From 12th March for 4 weeks, we will be updating the Electoral Roll. See our Electoral Roll page for more information - this page includes useful information, such as why you may want to be on the electoral Roll, who to contact for more information and copies of the forms to use.
Following on from Spring Garden Meeting - we now have a regular gardening club, read our Caring for God's Creation page for more information.
If you would like to get our weekly notices straight to your inbox, you can sign up for weekly notices. Do give me a call if you would like to find out more on 01256 763211.
We are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community, see our safeguarding page for contacts & further details.
With every blessing,Canon Marion de Quidt