container for CSS updated feb 2024 - rationalising & tidying CSS after calendar changes

Contact List

need a shorter title on mobiles

Safeguarding – who’s who?

changed table below to percentages

Role & Name Phone & Email
The Incumbent and Assistant priest
Rector of Whitewater
The Reverend Canon Dr Marion de Quidt
01256 763211
Church Wardens
Church Warden contact office (2 per church)
Benefice Safeguarding Officers
Benefice Safeguarding Officer
Team of licensed/accredited ministers
Licensed Lay Ministers
Jonathan Bushman contact office for details
Tim Maynes  
Team of licensed/accredited ministers
Retired Colleagues
Licenced Lay Minister - Jennifer Martin
contact office for details
Hall manager and bookings
Benefice Office (Eliza Burridge) 01256 760169
Employed Staff
Benefice Administrator
Eliza Burridge
01256 760169
Who co-ordinates work in your church related to children, young people, adults at risk
(e.g. Sunday School, youth club, visiting team, transport)?
Marion de Quidt (the Rector) 01256 763211
Jonathan Bushman
Youth - (Licenced Lay Minister)
contact office for details
Stephen Davies – Junior Choir (Organist) contact office for details
Who are the other youth and children’s/adults at risk’ workers?
Licenced Lay Ministry team as listed above
Pastoral Care Team (Hook)
led by Marion de Quidt; includes our team of Accredited Lay ministers listed above; Martin and Felicity Rudd, Richard and Gill Morley, Joyce Baldock, Susan Purchase, Brigitte Mayes, Carol-Anne Morris, Shirley Clancy 
contact office for details
Bishops Commission for Mission (Pastoral Workers):
Shirley Clancy (Hook), Carol-Anne Morris (Hook), Brigitte Maynes (Hook)
contact office for details
Junior Church Team (through Jonathan Bushman):
Gill Lochead, Juliette Bromham, Simon de Quidt, Elizabeth Baptista, Jenny Harris, Rosie Mandry (also BCM Worship), Gill Morley, Shirley Clancy
contact office for details
Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns?
Urgent matters – phone the police 999
Winchester Diocese Safeguarding Team.
Manager – Jackie Rowlands
01962 737317
Hampshire County Council
(out of hours service)
0300 555 1373
Marion de Quidt (the Rector) 01256 763211
Martin Rudd (Benefice Safeguarding Officer) 01256 764677

*   PTO means ‘permission to officiate’; permission is given by the Bishop of Winchester

last updated June 2022

published on: 4th April 2023
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