container for CSS updated feb 2024 - rationalising & tidying CSS after calendar changes

Anna's OLD Test Page

Anna's test page heading 2

This page contains a regression test of most of the things we do throughout our site, and was used when we re-implemented the styles in 2021.

Anna's notes for things we need to look at on a page by page basis in the content

Flagged up need to look at things which were removed by CKEditor (now covered in separate tests)

General List

This list will be things we need to make to any pages:

  1. don't use underline as a heading or to draw attention
  2. images - use floatright & border class (not align right)
  3. time format: use 6:30 and not 6.30
  4. biblical citations use : as in John 3:16 currently inconsistent
  5. awareness any spacing might make to image positioning/size, table cell sizes etc etc
  6. look to remove any spurious style used in the content pages
  7. many old pages had margin on the first line of content - these need to be removed.

Regression/Feature Test Section

Zoom Line breaks

can we automate the word-break: break-all for links?  or do we need to add as a style to each link?  the source currently has the text word-break: break-all; added to the style on the advanced tab - is there a better way?

This has been reimplemented as follows (horizontal on desktop, vertical on phone):

10am Worship via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 885 7772 4059 Passcode: 101010
Junior Church
11:00am to 11:30am for 3 to 8yrs and
11:30am to 12:00 for 9-14yrs each Sunday (except the first Sunday in the month).

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 945 8193 7074 & Passcode:760169

This was the old way with a few tweaks to widths - so whole layout is horizontal:

10am Worship via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 885 7772 4059 Passcode: 101010
Junior Church
11:00am to 11:30am for 3 to 8yrs and
11:30am to 12:00 for 9-14yrs each Sunday (except the first Sunday in the month).

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 945 8193 7074 & Passcode:760169

Tables Tests

this page is using whitewater style, with tables in different classes. This is pewsheet

Rotherwick Church


  Col 3:12-17, Matt 13:24b-30




Holy Communion



St John’s Church, Hook

President & Preacher

  Isa 58:1-9a, 1 Cor 2:1-12, Matt 5:13-20




Rotherwick Church




Family Praise


Rotherwick Church

Minister & Preacher

  Ps 4, Amos 2:4-end, Eph 4:17-end







this is whitewater class as we were using on the home page (but no longer used there)

Change the width to a percent

Sunday 14th Feb
10am Morning Worship via Zoom
11am Junior Church via Zoom, the details will be on the children's activity page along with an activity sheet.
Children's activities during half term
Friday 19th Feb @4pm - Messy Church with crafts, worship and fun
Activities packs will be provided from outside the Rectory those who have registered
Pastoral Support
Although our churches are closed, if you or someone you know needs pastoral support for example if self-isolating & need assistance at this time or for prayer requests, please contact us as follows:
Revd Marion de Quidt (Hook Rectory) 01256 763211
Revd Shona Hoad (Mattingley Rectory, Hound Green) 07871 740158

Ways We Give:

Financial donations

Please select your chosen Parish for details: 

This is whitewater, with text buttons as per giving

This has been reimplemented as follows:

old way - more concise in html, but not so good for mobile!

Donate to Hook Donate to HMR

Another Heading

O God, you know us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: grant to us such strength and protection as may support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


The Post Communion Prayer

Go before us, Lord, in all we do with your most gracious favour, and guide us with your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name, and finally by your mercy receive everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Services this Week

This is whitewater class (cellpadding & spacing set to 0

For 2023, check any widths from imported word style tables, may not fit with table width, so may need adjusting


headings headings headings headings (th)

Mon, Wed, Friday


St John’s

Morning Prayer

Tues, Thurs, Saturday


St John’s

Morning Prayer

Daily (except Sunday)


St John’s

Evening Prayer




Morning Prayer




Funeral Service



St John’s

Holy Communion




Holy Communion



St Michael’s

Evening Prayer

Services this Week

This is pewsheet class

For 2023, check any widths from imported word style tables, may not fit with table width, so may need adjusting

Mon, Wed, Friday


St John’s

Morning Prayer

Tues, Thurs, Saturday


St John’s

Morning Prayer

Daily (except Sunday)


St John’s

Evening Prayer




Morning Prayer




Funeral Service



St John’s

Holy Communion




Holy Communion



St Michael’s

Evening Prayer

Church Notices and News

Women’s World Day of Prayer – this service will be on Friday 7th March, 2pm at Rotherwick Church focusing on Egypt, entitled “Streams in the Desert”. Everyone is welcome to this service. (It’s not just for women!)

crossBenefice Lent Course – Lent is a time of reflection and anticipation, this year we are following Bishop Tim’s Lent course entitled “Living the Mission of Jesus”. It will be held each Thursday during Lent commencing Thursday 6th March, 7.30 to 9pm at St John’s Church in the Solar Room upstairs. The weekly sessions are individual so you don’t need to attend every single one to be part of this course as we journey together to question what Jesus is saying to his church today.

Notice Sheet by email – if you’d like to join our subscribers list (and save paper), please visit the website where there’s a link on the home page. It’s really quick and simple to subscribe, and you can stop subscribing at any time.

St John’s Coffee Shop SOS – we are urgently seeking volunteers to help out at the Coffee Shop once a month or so. If you might be able to help, please contact Shirley Clancy (01256) 763329 or the Office.

Messy Church –  Friday 28th February, Friday 28th March after school until 5pm at St John’s. Families of all shapes and sizes welcome.

St John’s Annual Report – as we prepare for the APCM on Sunday 6th April in order to ensure that our report is open, inclusive and interesting I would like to invite the leaders of the many teams and groups at St John’s to promote the varied activities of the church by contributing to the report. I have sent emails to various people, but if you have not heard from me and would like to contribute please write about 100-150 words highlighting: the objectives of your group, what you have achieved in 2013 and your plans and objectives for 2014.  Please send your report as a Word or Notepad attachment by Monday 23rd February. Contact: Liz Wilson (01256) 760358,

handsThe Church of England General Synod – meeting from Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th February. During this time the Archbishops of Canterbury and York would like to encourage people throughout the Dioceses and parishes to pray for the work and life of the General Synod. An outline of the agenda items:
Monday – Ethical investments, gender-based violence debate
Tuesday – Women in the episcopate
Wednesday – Archbishop of Canterbury’s address, human sexuality, environmental issues, a private members motion on Girl Guiding.

Help with Lifts to St John’s - some of our friends at Geffery's House require a lift so that they can worship with us each Sunday. They are ready from 9.30am for the short drive to church.  Contact: Church Office or Church Wardens

Bible Study Group

This ecumenical Bible Group meets each Tuesday afternoon at the Sacred Heart Church Hall, Hook, from 2.30pm to 4pm. New people are very welcome to come along to learn, rediscover and enjoy God’s word. The theme through to Easter is ‘Parables and what they mean to us today’. Contact: Jennifer Martin (01256) 475143.

Living Flame Fellowship Groups

Meeting twice a month from 8pm for a relaxed evening of discussion, fellowship and prayer.
Wednesdays: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30pm to 9:30pm at 23 Goose Green, following the Pilgrim course. Contact: Nikki Wild 762865.
Thursdays: 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 8pm in St John’s. Contact: Carol-Anne Morris 763769

this is a h1

Benefice Office – open weekdays, 9am to 12pm
(01256) 760169

Marion may be contacted on (01256) 760377
or email:
Pastoral Visiting - please contact the Rector or the Benefice Office

PCC Secretary, Gift Aid & Stewardship Officers

HMR PCC Secretary: Carolyn Hazell (01252) 844198,
HMR Gift Aid: Anne Hallowes (01252) 845144,
St John’s PCC Secretary: Liz Wilson (01256) 760358
St John’s Parish Stewardship Officer: Nikki Wild (01256) 762865

The Third Sunday before Lent - Sunday 16th February 2014

watch for paste from word importing fixed widths

St Michael’s Church, Heckfield


  1 Cor 9.24-27, Matt 20.1-16




Holy Communion



St John’s Church, Hook

President & Preacher



All Age Holy Communion


St Michael’s Church, Heckfield

President & Preacher

 Deut 30.15-end, 1 Cor 3.1-9, Matt 5.21-37




Parish Communion



St Michael’s Church, Heckfield

Minister & Preacher

  Ps 13, Amos 3.1-8, Eph 5.1-17







St John’s Church, Hook

Minister & Preacher





Hart Foodbank – donations of food may be brought to the main Sunday services each week or taken directly to the Life Church Centre, Elms Road, Hook. Thank you


Current shortages: instant mashed potato, toiletries. 

Usual items requested: milk (UHT or powdered), sugar, tea bags/instant coffee, tinned meat/tuna, fruit juice (long life), tinned fruit/vegetables, pasta sauces (jars/tins), tinned sponge pudding, tinned rice pudding, jam, biscuits/snack bars.

Current surpluses (not required this month): cereals, soup

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